Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Big Yucks....

My older daughter was never a big "thrower-upper". Her illness of choice was more of a run-a-high-fever-have-a-seizure-no-tylenol-won't-bring-it-down-go-to-the-ER type of illness.

But this year seems to be the year of the "Big Yucks" (also known as vomiting) for her. I don't know what it is about the Big Yucks that makes me feel so bad for her. Don't get me wrong - I don't do clean up if I can help it. Luckily, it doesn't bother my husband so much so he does it while I cuddle and soothe the child.

Anyway, today was a Big Yuck day. I had to run out to do some errands and of course pick up treats for the sick one. Normally my treats are bubbles or 99 cent crayons. Today I came home with a Disney princess coloring book the size of me (for $6.99!) and a princess diary and pencil set ($4.99). Poor thing didn't even care.

However, not to worry, her stomach and mood is greatly improved. We found one last Dora popsicle in the freezer - left from December's Big Yucks. I am convinced Dora has superpowers even in her frozen treats because things seem back to their normal levels of insane around here. Please keep your fingers crossed that the Big Yucks have left the house.

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