Monday, April 7, 2008

Share Your Favorite Blog Day

Since what is clearly lacking in my life is spending time on the computer, I am always looking for fun new blogs to read. I've shared some of my favorite life / parenting blogs with you on the right and my knitting blog has some of my favorite knitting reads.

I'd love to check out some of yours. Come on, feed my procrastintion instinct. I promise to read them and I promise I will still vacuum so that the baby is not rolling in dirt.


Dana Prince said...

I have so so many! Can't pick just one as I have dozens that I visit regularly.

Here's one for you for today. You will love this one:

Writing Frump is wonderful!

I could give you a blog a day if you wanted. LOL. After spending two years working in the blogosphere I have many favourites.

Jen said...

Thanks Dana. Love it! Bookmarked it to read often.

Vicki said...

...this gal takes some amazing photos!

Laura Spencer said...

Well, I'm glad that you found my blog because now I've found yours.

Have you tried looking in other blogger's blogrolls? That's how I find new blogs sometimes.

jodifur said...

I have soo many, but here are two-