Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Alternate Title: This Time I was Outsmarted by My Older Daughter

Maybe I should just start each post by telling you which child I was outdone by because these days it seems to be one or the other.

Here is my conversation with the soon to be 4 year old this morning.

Me: You are going on a special adventure with Nona (grandmother) this afternoon.
Her: What time do I have to be home?
Me: Around 6.
Her: I want to stay out later.
Me: It's a school night. You'll have dinner with Nona and then come home for bath and bed.
Her: I want to stay out until 10 o'clock.
Me: No.
Her: I want to stay out until zero o'clock.
Me: Giggles. Ok. (clearly I think I've won this battle)
Her: Great...the only o'clock that has a zero is 10. The rest 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 do not. So, you said I can stay out until 10 o'clock.
Me: Stares at her and silently damns the preschool and all their fancy counting stuff.

And this is our conversation when she is about to be 4. I live in dread of our conversation when she is about to be 14.


Dana Prince said...

Oh my goodness...
sounds like she would make a great trial lawyer! ROFL

jill said...

I'm still laughing, Jen!

Jen said...

Thanks, Dana and Jill. She does make us laugh (ok and cry a little).

Vicki said...

Can I just say--You guys are in trouble Jen!