Monday, December 3, 2007

Clearly the wrong choice....

For all those of you were secretly thinking that of course the ice storm was the safer of my choices this morning, you were right and I was wrong. I stayed home. With a cranky and bored 3 1/2 year old and a 3 month old who thinks naps are overrated. It was not fun. We did playdough, we made Hannukah gelt, we colored and wrote our letters. We watched TV and we learned that we have a deep fear of reindeer. Who knew?
I just got to say my very favorite words, "I love you. Good night." So, I'm off to start my knitting. I'm working on a sweater for my husband, a lace shawl for myself and I have many many projects waiting to go on the needles. I think the mindless stockinette of the sweater will be perfect for tonight. That and some chocolate ice cream....

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